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Sakakawea - July 26

Some things have changed, others stay the same. We are still getting lots of great fish in 12-16 feet with some wind blowing, 18-22 when it's not out on the west side around Van Hook and Deepwater. The bottom bouncers still work great, but cranks and jigging raps have really picked up now. Also, more fish have finally started to show up on offshore structure like humps and sunken islands. Some patterns and movements seem a little behind this year, and I think Van Hook is just reaching its peak now, which I may also explains some of the spotty fishing out east, especially for the 18-22 inch fish...the migrations just haven't reached that far in large numbers. There are tons of 13-15s out by Garrison and a few really big ones - 23-29 inch fish - but it's been hard to find a good "meat bag" lately.

As hot as it's been - a record now of over two weeks 90-plus degrees - fish should move deeper soon, and some have, but our best bite is still under 20 feet mostly. I'll enjoy it while it lasts as I love finding them shallower! There's lots of bait in 25-35 feet, though, so there are definitely fish down there, and more may move soon, but it's still not the percentage play in my view.

Also, the Wall Hangers leader this year is now Scott Hofmann at 27.5 inches! Who's got the guts to top it?!

Check out some pics and videos:


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