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Sakakawea - May 15

Not a whole lot has changed. The cold snap early in the week stalled the water temperatures, and things backed up for a few days. Last couple days, though, we have resumed activity. Most of the action is still out west above the Four Bears Bridge, though we did find some active fish a few miles south recently. Water temps up there around 48-52, fish mostly in ten feet or less, and best spots are gravel and rock whether points or shoreline. Most fish are outside of bays scattered along the main lake shorelines, but as the temps warm, we'll be looking to find some congregated more heavily inside some of those bays.

The average size has been quite impressive. We ran into a batch of juvenile males one day catching fish 16-19 inches, but other days we'll see half our catch in the 19-24 inch range. I usually start out trolling live bait in ten feet of water on a rocky shore where I can move along and cast crankbaits, swimbaits, or jigs up onto the shoreline, and some fish will take it way up there tight in 3-5 feet of water.

I have heard of an occasional bite going on in the shallows of the Van Hook Arm, but other than that, everywhere south of New Town is still waiting for fish to show up and get active.

Don't forget about the Wall Hangers 2020 contest this year! As a reminder, whichever client catches the longest walleye with Bloemendaal Guide Service will get a free fiberglass replica from Fibertech Productions! Just to dangle a carrot out in front of everyone, here's something to shoot for, a 24-inch 'eye I pulled yesterday:



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