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Sakakawea - October 8

Update required...I normally don't post twice this close together, but my website says "or any time there are major shifts in the bite," and this qualifies. For the last four days, things have been drastically different. Fish have moved shallower - mostly 30-40 feet (and the bait has to some extent as well) - and they've decided it's time. We've been getting limits of fish in 2-4 hours every day on jigs and minnows, and the quality is as good as expected. With all those fish from 18-21 inches caught in June, I expected tons of thick, 20-23 inch fish this fall, and it's probably easier to catch one of those than a 17-18 right now. Likewise, we've had some fish in the 25+ category, and I've heard of a few 29-31s pulled in the last three days, not to mention plenty of 26-28s. I can't wait to see what the rest of the fall brings now...


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